Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mars Bar and Snickers Slice...

So I've been a terrible blogger recently... I did promise you the recipes and following phases to my care packages... And yes I have been terribly slow but hopefully I can get at least the recipes out of the way today and follow up with my care package post over the weekend :-)

Firstly... I love mars bars - almost as much as I love snickers and marshmallows :-) put them all into a bowl and heat... my favourite treat! Everyone has their own little way of making mars bar slice and I won't claim that mine is any different or any better - I just add snickers! So the origin of this recipe has been with me since about year 4 when I went to the movies with a friend and her mum let us mars bar slice to sneak into the theatre!! And it goes as follows...


3x Mars Bars (the normal bar size)

3x Snickers Bars (also the normal bar size)

60g butter (any cooking butter will do)

3 cups of Rice bubbles (or some cheap variation as I did)

1 cup of halved marshmallows

1/2x Cadbury block of chocolate (for drizzling over)

Some sprinkles (cos everything needs sprinkles!)


1. CHOP IT UP! This recipe does involve lots of chopping I will admit :-) I slice my snickers and mars bars width wise and fairly even so they melt really well. The butter I cut into cubes - again to make sure they melt really well :-) Marshmallows are halved or close enough for the same reason... just watch out for your knives - they get super sticky!

2. After everything is cut the fun begins! Melt the butter in a pan (in a big pan because you're going to be adding a lot of rice bubbles!). Once melted add the mars bars and snickers. Once that is almost melted add your halved marshmallows...

Knowing what the melted parts look like is helpful (so I've happily been told) so the following pictures are of melted:

Butter / Mars bars and Snickers / Marshmallows

3. By now it looks like a sugary, chocolatey, yummy goo. This part is more of a tried and tested method. I normally put 2 cups of rice bubbles into the melted goo and then see how the mixture sticks. Everyone likes their slice a little different. One of my friend's loves it to have way more chocolate and much less rice bubbles as he is of the opinion rice bubbles are too healthy for his body... I however, generally like to stretch the mixture enough to make a tray and a bit so that if it's being used for something (i.e. a care package) I will still have some left over to munch on - or take into work! Moral of the story - use 3 cups as a guide and employ the concept of give or take a little :-)

4. Tip the mixture out of pan and into your baking paper-ed tins (I use a simple rectangular slice tin and half of a regular square tin - dimensions unknown). Press the mixture around to flatten it out to an even thickness. It can get a bit tricky because the mixture is still warn and your knife / wooden spoon tends to want to take the sugary goodness with it... I find it easy to use a large blade butter knife and dip it in a bit of boiling water works :-)

5. Melt half a block of cadbury's chocolate in the microwave (I have a fairly powerful microwave to did 30 seconds followed by 2x 10 second bursts with a good stir in between to utilise the uneven melting). Drizzle chocolate over the slice... I'll leave designs up to you depending on the occasion - I have drizzled a 'B' into more than one of my slices previously!

6. Most importantly... throw as many sprinkles as you can at your design and hope it sticks because in the end we all know that sprinkles are the best thing man ever invented (apart from edible glitter of course!)!!

So happy cooking little munchkins and please share with children... This was one of my favourites when I was younger and a square of this is really much better for you than a whole chocolate bar (so I keep telling myself)!!

Peace x.

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